Nobody R-e-a-l-l-y likes trash talking honest, professional, dignified good players.
Do they? Not at all.
Though by now I'm sure if you even BOTher to read this blog(which is private BTW, LULZ!!!), send e-threats, or write novels on the BG forums (5 days after this blog was created, conveniently): You should be well aware we love drama.
And we love This HOT MESS Bot mess, Belkin!
Especially if its honest and the person(s) involved get what they deserve.
Even a trainwreck, frequent harasser, habitual liar and user of third party programs doesn't like "nobodies" blogging about him.
Its true and its not flattering. But we have no desire to involve "Nobodies" in this HOT MESS. Which is why we decided to ask the people involved beforehand, if we may quote Botkin. We want to keep the focus on the genuine hot messes and & attention whoring idiots.
I know, I know, poking fun at THE ENABLERS, for being so stupid was alot of fun. In the end however, Belkin is the leader of BOTnTOTS. His actions, choice of words and rather inappropriate behavior in game represents who they are and what they stand for. As long as its told with honesty, we really don't care who it offends. If you ask us, if something isn't true, you shouldn't really give it much attention. But see, hes used to dealing with "nobodies"...
"Nobodies" like Sonomaa and "Random CoVs" members.
This really isn't our idea of good drama.. But laughing at the stupid things idiots say and do is always fun, if you have the sense of humor to appreciate Or stomach it.
"Some douche CoV member asked me to join their LS cause I have a dalmatica. They said I must be really good. I told them 'no I'm in the best endgame LS on the server.'"
Honey, please.. Your famous. I doubt anyone in any endgame LS, especially an officer of one, doesn't know who THE VERY VERY BEST are. Plus they have their own website, weekly events, steady flow of endgame activity. AND YES even recruitment forums(!!!). Why would someone from CoVs, randomly ask anyone to join their LS based on an examination?? Plus, wouldn't they see your LS name and color when examining you? Unless.. they cant read.. In which case, your right Botkin, they are "douches".
And isn't this a plus, Sonomaa and BG came up in a conversation we had with Botkin a few weeks ago. As always, he genuinely delivers that all-natural trannyliciousness we've ALL come to know and LOVE!
He thinks "It's really creepy." how some people "take role playing too far.".
Because when your a "Mithra in game" but "Some fat guy" in real life, who "Got an E-BODY, but comes to HNM as RNG" you don't deserve the respect of THE VERY VERY BEST HNMLS leader.
Well, go on with your bad self Botty! Strut that trannyliciousness down the Dragon Aery catwalk and back!
Can I have your autograph prz?
P.S the actual LS name is called "ApkalluVendetta" not BOTSnTOTS.
Update: We gave Botkin a fair chance to comment about the content of this update, prior to it being posted. He has "no comment".
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