Lets take a break from laughing for a moment, at the stupid things cheaters say and do. We support a healthy game environment. This is a game & its supposed to be fun. What you do is your choice and you are entitled to a drama free, harassment free, and yes even a bot/stalker free environment.
With that being said, we also support the right to report such issues to Gamemasters (GMs)and the STF(Special task force), if you are to encounter players who think they have the right to disrupt a healthy and safe online environment for you and your companions.
A LS mate sent this to the STF this morning,
Date Month:Oct. Day:13 World Name: Bahamut Area Name: Dragons Aery
Character Name Belkin, Everything, Ilysium, Btmtaru, Charlemagne, Clerics, Daugue, Deigo, Drod, Nivean, Fellvengence, Fizzy, Godaime, Guilt, Hypnotiq, Jaril, Khaelyn, Kimberly, Kingking, Lanstarr, Lazzar, Makojr, Malak, Medivac, Monstrocity, Mortis, Neb, Surealistic, Tryon, Viltaru
Details: There have been multiple occasions where the Apkallu Vendetta HNMLS LEADER 'Belkin' has made no secret of his LS using third party programs. He does so by harassing several people on the Bahamut server and even brags about it in game and on forums. This type of malicious behavior has got to stop for the better of the FFXI community in general, as it is not right for anyone to use any third party program or software to gain greater advantage in the community REGARDLESS of ones status in game or even more importantly in real life. Listed above is the names of players in the HNMLS 'Apkallu Vendetta' who are suspected of using third party programs OR taking part in assisting Belkin with harassing several players on the Bahamut server in an attempt to silence this issue.
Witnessed third party program usage & the constant monopolization of the Notorious Monsters: Fafnir, Nidhogg
Though we understand and acknowledge the user agreement and understand camping NMs is not against the user agreement in anyway, we also would like to state, we also acknowledge and understand that, just because one is not winning claims does not mean they are not using third party software in an attempt to do so.
The Decision to send this report to the special task force is a last resort. as we, the players of Bahamut have grown continuously frustrated with players who think such harassment and useage of third party software will be tolerated in anyway.
Please also note that the players with the intention to cheat, might have an alternate character logged in via windower or an alternate method within the area, outside or inside the MAIN ALLIANCE, using third party programs. This is a common method used by players who assume if they get caught their main characters will be safe from getting suspended.
Thank you for your time, at the very least please investigate these players to the best of your abilities. Take care, see you in game! /wave
No drama to report at the moment. Have a nice day!
P.S this is a private blog and is no WAY affiliated with Square enix!
Edit: recovered another funny AIM convo we had with BOTKIN.
We have gods atm so we will post it later. Why do stupid people say this type of stuff over AIM/FFXI when clearly they are being questioned???? GOT BRAINS, anyone? But I guess when you are THE BEST it doesn't really matter what you say or do to others because "no will care and no will listen." right?