Hey Guyz!
Were in the process of reactivating our POL account! This is gonna be so much fun!
We can't tell you how much we've missed the Dramaz!
A lot has been going down since we took a break from FFXI! It's so true! Nobody can stay away from FFXI forever.
Anyways, feel free to send us some feedback. We LOVE drama.
And we LOVE YOU!
See you guys in game!
P.S Looks like BotNTots, nutjob of a sacker..erm Enabler.. sent us like 30 comments over the period of the first 2 months we were taking a break from FFXI.
Congrats Everything! You're still a Botmess of a Hotmess!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Just for laughs
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Quote(s) of the Day
Ending the day with some pretty sweet quotes!
Have a nice night, ya'll!
"That blog is a disgrace to the endgame community. Stop trying to frame me and my LS."
"I don't really care what he says about me. Belkins a Tool and he knows it."
We have yet to receive any comments from any members associated with CoVs.
We think its good Botty has somewhat learned to shut up. He's even careful not say anything to humiliate himself and his Enablers any further.
Though we would like to ask.. wtf are you thinking? YOU are "THE endgame community"?
Come on! You would think THE VERY VERY BEST would be just a tad little smarter. We're starting to just completely blame the enablers. I mean they have to be like feeding you random complements like, every 10 seconds your online for you to be this.. Stupid.
We really think this is a good point to make an 'oh so unkind' remark about Someone, who seems to be more dedicated to his Trainwreck LS leader, than his own priorities!
It would go something like this:
"Maybe you should spend less time cleaning up his MESS and more time taking care of....... Your... 'Priorities'."
LOL, sorry, your just such an easy target when you defend this idiot.
We promised, to stop tossing random insults at THE ENABLERS.
Emoness is awesome and we are all for it. But when you have like, 58 comments that need approving, we have decided to automatically reject anyone not using their Final Fantasty XI Alias!
Have a good night people, and if you cant play by the rules at least be able to laugh at yourself.
Others will.
Have a nice night, ya'll!
"That blog is a disgrace to the endgame community. Stop trying to frame me and my LS."
"I don't really care what he says about me. Belkins a Tool and he knows it."
We have yet to receive any comments from any members associated with CoVs.
We think its good Botty has somewhat learned to shut up. He's even careful not say anything to humiliate himself and his Enablers any further.
Though we would like to ask.. wtf are you thinking? YOU are "THE endgame community"?
Come on! You would think THE VERY VERY BEST would be just a tad little smarter. We're starting to just completely blame the enablers. I mean they have to be like feeding you random complements like, every 10 seconds your online for you to be this.. Stupid.
We really think this is a good point to make an 'oh so unkind' remark about Someone, who seems to be more dedicated to his Trainwreck LS leader, than his own priorities!
It would go something like this:
"Maybe you should spend less time cleaning up his MESS and more time taking care of....... Your... 'Priorities'."
LOL, sorry, your just such an easy target when you defend this idiot.
We promised, to stop tossing random insults at THE ENABLERS.
Emoness is awesome and we are all for it. But when you have like, 58 comments that need approving, we have decided to automatically reject anyone not using their Final Fantasty XI Alias!
Its Like..
==Please 'Reject' ALL Emo comments Immediately!==
..Reading all these "anon-emo comments" from you.
Have a good night people, and if you cant play by the rules at least be able to laugh at yourself.
Others will.
Belkin: "Do you know who your Fuckin with??"

Nobody R-e-a-l-l-y likes trash talking honest, professional, dignified good players.
Do they? Not at all.
Though by now I'm sure if you even BOTher to read this blog(which is private BTW, LULZ!!!), send e-threats, or write novels on the BG forums (5 days after this blog was created, conveniently): You should be well aware we love drama.
And we love This HOT MESS Bot mess, Belkin!
Especially if its honest and the person(s) involved get what they deserve.
Even a trainwreck, frequent harasser, habitual liar and user of third party programs doesn't like "nobodies" blogging about him.
Its true and its not flattering. But we have no desire to involve "Nobodies" in this HOT MESS. Which is why we decided to ask the people involved beforehand, if we may quote Botkin. We want to keep the focus on the genuine hot messes and & attention whoring idiots.
I know, I know, poking fun at THE ENABLERS, for being so stupid was alot of fun. In the end however, Belkin is the leader of BOTnTOTS. His actions, choice of words and rather inappropriate behavior in game represents who they are and what they stand for. As long as its told with honesty, we really don't care who it offends. If you ask us, if something isn't true, you shouldn't really give it much attention. But see, hes used to dealing with "nobodies"...
"Nobodies" like Sonomaa and "Random CoVs" members.
This really isn't our idea of good drama.. But laughing at the stupid things idiots say and do is always fun, if you have the sense of humor to appreciate Or stomach it.
"Some douche CoV member asked me to join their LS cause I have a dalmatica. They said I must be really good. I told them 'no I'm in the best endgame LS on the server.'"
Honey, please.. Your famous. I doubt anyone in any endgame LS, especially an officer of one, doesn't know who THE VERY VERY BEST are. Plus they have their own website, weekly events, steady flow of endgame activity. AND YES even recruitment forums(!!!). Why would someone from CoVs, randomly ask anyone to join their LS based on an examination?? Plus, wouldn't they see your LS name and color when examining you? Unless.. they cant read.. In which case, your right Botkin, they are "douches".
And isn't this a plus, Sonomaa and BG came up in a conversation we had with Botkin a few weeks ago. As always, he genuinely delivers that all-natural trannyliciousness we've ALL come to know and LOVE!
He thinks "It's really creepy." how some people "take role playing too far.".
Because when your a "Mithra in game" but "Some fat guy" in real life, who "Got an E-BODY, but comes to HNM as RNG" you don't deserve the respect of THE VERY VERY BEST HNMLS leader.
Well, go on with your bad self Botty! Strut that trannyliciousness down the Dragon Aery catwalk and back!
Can I have your autograph prz?
P.S the actual LS name is called "ApkalluVendetta" not BOTSnTOTS.
Update: We gave Botkin a fair chance to comment about the content of this update, prior to it being posted. He has "no comment".
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dear Taskforce,

Lets take a break from laughing for a moment, at the stupid things cheaters say and do. We support a healthy game environment. This is a game & its supposed to be fun. What you do is your choice and you are entitled to a drama free, harassment free, and yes even a bot/stalker free environment.
With that being said, we also support the right to report such issues to Gamemasters (GMs)and the STF(Special task force), if you are to encounter players who think they have the right to disrupt a healthy and safe online environment for you and your companions.
A LS mate sent this to the STF this morning,
Date Month:Oct. Day:13 World Name: Bahamut Area Name: Dragons Aery
Character Name Belkin, Everything, Ilysium, Btmtaru, Charlemagne, Clerics, Daugue, Deigo, Drod, Nivean, Fellvengence, Fizzy, Godaime, Guilt, Hypnotiq, Jaril, Khaelyn, Kimberly, Kingking, Lanstarr, Lazzar, Makojr, Malak, Medivac, Monstrocity, Mortis, Neb, Surealistic, Tryon, Viltaru
Details: There have been multiple occasions where the Apkallu Vendetta HNMLS LEADER 'Belkin' has made no secret of his LS using third party programs. He does so by harassing several people on the Bahamut server and even brags about it in game and on forums. This type of malicious behavior has got to stop for the better of the FFXI community in general, as it is not right for anyone to use any third party program or software to gain greater advantage in the community REGARDLESS of ones status in game or even more importantly in real life. Listed above is the names of players in the HNMLS 'Apkallu Vendetta' who are suspected of using third party programs OR taking part in assisting Belkin with harassing several players on the Bahamut server in an attempt to silence this issue.
Witnessed third party program usage & the constant monopolization of the Notorious Monsters: Fafnir, Nidhogg
Though we understand and acknowledge the user agreement and understand camping NMs is not against the user agreement in anyway, we also would like to state, we also acknowledge and understand that, just because one is not winning claims does not mean they are not using third party software in an attempt to do so.
The Decision to send this report to the special task force is a last resort. as we, the players of Bahamut have grown continuously frustrated with players who think such harassment and useage of third party software will be tolerated in anyway.
Please also note that the players with the intention to cheat, might have an alternate character logged in via windower or an alternate method within the area, outside or inside the MAIN ALLIANCE, using third party programs. This is a common method used by players who assume if they get caught their main characters will be safe from getting suspended.
Thank you for your time, at the very least please investigate these players to the best of your abilities. Take care, see you in game! /wave
No drama to report at the moment. Have a nice day!
P.S this is a private blog and is no WAY affiliated with Square enix!
Edit: recovered another funny AIM convo we had with BOTKIN.
We have gods atm so we will post it later. Why do stupid people say this type of stuff over AIM/FFXI when clearly they are being questioned???? GOT BRAINS, anyone? But I guess when you are THE BEST it doesn't really matter what you say or do to others because "no will care and no will listen." right?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Theyre not all losers, just a select FEW.

We are all for train wrecks, idiots, drama bombs, and the occasional stalker hot mess.
But in all seriousness AV has some pretty decent people. Lets talk about the (MAIN) owner of Kingking for example shall we? Following our post about the "slain" comments, (enforced by the notorious idiot, who's main hobbies include bragging about botting, then throwing fits when it becomes public.) someone in AV, obviously just looking out for his friends wants to clear the air a bit!
"Kingking refuses to say "slain" at HNM camps. He thinks its uncalled for and will not do it."
Wait.. what? I'm pretty sure I've heard him say "Slain" at a camp a few times.
"Belkin has the sign in information to Kingkings account because Kingking doesn't play very often anymore, so if you heard Kingking saying "slain" its prolly just Belkin on his account."
Sheesh BOTKIN, shows how much you respect how others feel, about not wanting to be involved in your attention whoring, immature ranting, shit starting emo drama bombs in Aery.
Congrats to Kingking on his relic horn!
P.S "Loan me 15M to finish my relic, i promise I'll pay you back." sends a really bad message about you BOTKIN. We don't expect you to admit you requested a 15m loan from a LOLJOKERSLS member, if we thought you would tell the truth, this blog would have no purpose! Duh!
Do you wanna be on top? CLICK HERE

Botkin & the Enablers will do ANYTHING to stop this shiz!
We are loving this! And since he has done so much for the Bahamut community (botting, cheating, lying, stalking young woman online and asking for gil..)
We wanna return the favor, so we are gonna help them recruit!
That's right ya'll! Do you have what it takes to be: Bahamuts next TOP BOT!?
If you think you got what it takes, CLICK THE LINK BELOW!
But before you do, you should know they have "requirements". I mean they are THE BEST ya'll!
What? THE BEST? I know what your thinking, "isn't OrderoftheblueGartr THE VERY VERY BEST?!!?" Not according to Botkin!
A direct quote from Botkin himself:
"We don't deny botting like BG does. We don't fool others into thinking botting is obsolete."
There you have it! The train wreck at its best!
Requirements for becoming Bahamuts Next Top Bot or a member of Apkallu Vendetta in general:
- Must have a BOT (like, duh people!)
- Must have at least 2 75 jobs.
- Sky, Sea access.
- Must be willing to submit to weekly drug tests. (Don't ask..)
- Team Player. (This means assisting with shouting "slain" once other HNMLS' wipe for whatever reason.)
Got what it takes? CLICK BELOW!
(Must register to post App!)
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